Board of Directors

A distinguished Board of Directors committed to our cause.

The Board of Directors of the Public Access Corporation of the District of Columbia are diversely talented and committed to fostering greater participation by residents in the District's community television network. They work to increase funding resources, expand video programming, and ensure the facility continues to maintain state-of-the-art equipment.

Barbara Davis Blum


BDB Investment Partnership

Cynthiana Lightfoot, Chair

Program Director

District of Columbia's EMS for Children
Debbi Jarvis

Senior Vice President of Corporate Relations

Howard University
Kevin Goldberg, Secretary

First Amendment Specialist 

The Freedom Forum
Kojo Nnamdi, Chair Emeritus

Journalist, The Kojo Nnamdi Show and The Politics Hours on NPR

Michael Freedman

CPA and Founding Partner

Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs
Pedro Alfonso, Vice Chair & Treasurer

Chairman and CEO

Dynamic Concepts, Inc.

The DCTV capacity building grant program offers eligible nonprofits an array of benefits that build organizational communications and storytelling capability and provides an ongoing presence on cable television. We designed these grants to offer training and expert guidance to the nonprofit community, which enables you to robustly expand your impact within the DC community.

“Grant Level” is the amount of money your organization contributes to receive the grant. The grant term is initially one year and requires a very small organizational match. DCTV will provide documentation so that you can appropriately record “in-kind” services in your financial records. Grants may be extended or renewed with DCTV approval.