NEW CLASS: The Write Stuff: Music & Materials Clearances 6/19 @ 7pm

June 19, 2018
DCTV | 901 Newton Street, NE
United States

For content creators, choosing the right music and materials can make or break a storyline, scene, segment, or even an entire production. For independent producers or students who do not have the budget or time obtaining properly licensed popular music and materials can be an especially difficult and daunting task. 

In this one-day course, we’ll debunk some of the common myths and misconceptions and learn facts about music and materials licensing. Tami Willis-Arasli, former VP Original Production and Programming Centric/BET Networks and Executive Producer, A/way Productions Group, will help you learn the write stuff and share best practices on obtaining proper music and materials licensing for distribution.

The DCTV capacity building grant program offers eligible nonprofits an array of benefits that build organizational communications and storytelling capability and provides an ongoing presence on cable television. We designed these grants to offer training and expert guidance to the nonprofit community, which enables you to robustly expand your impact within the DC community.

“Grant Level” is the amount of money your organization contributes to receive the grant. The grant term is initially one year and requires a very small organizational match. DCTV will provide documentation so that you can appropriately record “in-kind” services in your financial records. Grants may be extended or renewed with DCTV approval.